M39 F38
Adelaide Weekend
September 20 2021
Just looking for suggestions, anything from romantic B&Bs you may have stayed at before, or some sort of social day activity?
We enjoy day drinking and a pub crawl, or day drinking and a hotel hot tub.
We both look forward to hearing your replies.
4 years ago
If you are interested in a fantastic breakfast try Luigi’s on Flinders Street. They have a breakfast platter that is amazing. Wish I was allowed to go to Adelaide.
4 years ago
First off, see if Wendy and the gang have anything on at The Rabbit Hole. If you strike the first warm weekend of the year, hit a couple of Mclaren Vale wineries then Maslins beach for the arvo. If you don’t like wineries, the Victory hotel or Star of Greece then Maslins! If you’re in the city try Peel and Liegh St‘s for food, tapas, cocktails etc… 2kw at the top of 2 King William St has a cracking view, good food, bar etc…. No great hotel recommendations at the moment, both of our favourites are currently covid hotels. We’ve been meaning to check out the hotel Indigo near the markets though, looks different with a bit more to the room designs. We don’t tend to do B&Bs because of minimum stays, hopefully someone else will be able to help. Hope you have a great weekend!
4 years ago
We're thinking of taking our bikes along the River Torrens trail from the CBD to West Beach on Sunday - Saturday also holds potential but could be rained out. We're planning for a wet weekend regardless ;)
There's got to be some serious dogging potential along that route - we're volunteering as guinea pigs so if you guys (or any couples in Adelaide for that matter!) felt like joining then please doBitOfFun2019
4 years ago
Thanks for the replies, hope the bike ride goes well! We chose the Hotel Indigo, and it’s great. Lovely rooftop bar and good sized rooms with a king bed. The Rabbit Hole is generally our first option when in town but no luck this weekend. It late notice but we are thinking about checking out club X King William St. cinema says couple friendly? Is this the case? We are not looking to be creeped out.
3 years ago
RHP User
4 months ago
Club X is a good spot but needs waymore women visiting / attending would make the place 100% better.
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