M44 F45
Accurate locations ?
February 28 2023
But according to search there just isn’t. Lol
My question is: how many people are accurate or specific with their location and how many pick the nearest city (maybe to keep more anonymous?) I do see the worry of small town being a danger…. Lol
2 years ago
I’m sure that living in a small town with small town minds that a lot of people will put the nearest major population Center. To avoid the gossip and small mindedness of some people.
2 years ago
I'm Suburb accurate.
RHP User
2 years ago
There’s genuine danger in revealing where you live if you’re
a) a woman
b) a single woman
c) live in a rural area
It’s definitely prudent to put your general vicinity rather than pinpoint location.Mrs_Deep_Love
2 years ago
Hopefully you have a major regional centre nearby! Good luck
2 years ago
We lived in a town of 12, related to 3 and employed 4. Nearest ‘Big’ town was an hours drive with a population of just 5,000 so we were hesitant to put our exact location. Now we put a very close proximity 😁
2 years ago
Yep we live around an hour away from our stated locale. So really only 2 suburbs away in Sydney :)
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