Absurd sex and dating tips
October 12 2022
Perhaps they’ve been funny, outdated, or plain old weird. Or perhaps they’re absurd on the face of it but actually work. Points if you actually tried out the advice and have a story to tell.
Confucius say, “…..
2 years ago
When I’m America speak like an Aussie bogan, the thicker you put it on the more sex you will receive!
2 years ago
Confusious says...
For a man to be successful on the pie,he should not send a dick pic....
2 years ago
Confucius say: Man who watches naked lady dancing, will give standing ovation whilst sitting down.
Confucius say: When mosquito lands on man's balls, man learns to solve a problem without violence.
Ms Foxybadboyhere
2 years ago
Do not try sex and dating on the same night.
RHP User
2 years ago
I've found that talking about what I like to do sexually with a partner goes makes it much easier to see if your going to be compatible with someone. Plus women (on dating apps anyway) seem to respond better to it than saying what you'd do to them sexually...
2 years ago
Rule of thumb is.... more loss of vocabulary is directly linked to to scale of pleasure. Sometimes this can result in only a few spoken words in a whole conversation. Fuck Fuck Fuck me, yeah , yeah, ooooh god ooooh yeah..... for example.
2 years ago
Confucius says, man who goes to bed with a problem in mind wakes up with solution in hand. 🖐️
RHP User
2 years ago
Never ignore your gut instinct. A lot of men work so hard in pursuit of the pussy. These traits are short lived and the real character of a man emerges. Wait & see the truth before you believe anything. Ignore the last advice if just needing a quick fuck..😉🤣
2 years ago
… a finger up the bum is worth 2 in the bush…
RHP User
2 years ago
Confucius say, have a backup fuck setup when trying to seduce a new partner. Knowing that you're getting sex either way helps you be more confident and less desperate.
RHP User
2 years ago
Confucius say, make the hoe say no. Then thoroughly respect it even if only communicated non-verbally
RHP User
2 years ago
Confucius say, single mums are much more susceptible to your charms between 9pm and 11pm Friday and Saturdays
RHP User
2 years ago
Confucius say, horse chicks are hot and great in bed but also fucking nuts and might be too much drama, handle with caution.
RHP User
2 years ago
Confucius say, don't put the pussy on a pedestal. Lots of people come here seeking pussy, what the pussy mafia doesn't like to talk about so much is how many of those seekers are utterly useless at satisfying them. If what you got works and you know how to use it to pleasure a woman then you belong on the pedestal
2 years ago
Confucius say, beware man who stand on toilet. He high on pot.
RHP User
2 years ago
Confucius say, don't try to own a hot girl, let her think the relationship is her idea
2 years ago
Confucious says..
Beware of a black pussy on a full moon..
LibertineRHP User
2 years ago
Confucius say, man who walk sideways through turnstile going to Bangkok
2 years ago
Confucius say…. Be patient or become one!
2 years ago
Confucius say, man who seduce woman on side of a hill, surely not on the level.
RHP User
2 years ago
Confucius say, people want what they think other people have. People who are actually hooking up on here tend to take the occasional 2-4 week leave of absence from the site. If you do that too, you look like something other people are having.
2 years ago
Masturbate before anything else.
You will generally find that you will have a great night with Netflix without the angst/getting fucked around/getting fucked over/being disappointed/ being disrespected.
And you had an orgasm as well.
Not to mention the dollar value saved on drinks/shit meal/ uber back and forth
And you wake up in own bed/ not tired/ no small talk/no shit coffee/no shit breakfast and the whole day ahead....after you have another wank of courseMrNatural77
2 years ago
Spooning often leads to forking
RHP User
2 years ago
I hate it when people say "just be yourself" unless of course you never fail and have no fear. "be the best version of yourself" I think is much better advice.
RHP User
2 years ago
Confucius should say, you blokes.... stop talking it up big, just be yourself. And be honest your doing my head in, wasting my time you 7minute wonders.
RHP User
2 years ago
I gotta say, this be yourself advice never really worked too well for me. Like I can see how it's in the interest of women, the choosers, as they can make their choices based of complete and factual information. But like how are mediocre men supposed to get sex in that paradigm?
If you seriously expect that other people (single dudes are people too) will act according to your interests and not their own well then I reckon you're at least as narcissistic as I am.Mischeviouslad
2 years ago
This one makes me eye-roll
The Alphabet technique for performing oral sex …… which some guys to this day still ignorantly brag as THE go-to.
Because…. Ignoring her feedback while you defiantly concentrate on what youre doing with the tip of your tongue makes a lot of sense 🤦♂️RHP User
2 years ago
2 years ago
I think it's silly to say never go to bed angry . Sometimes everyone needs space and a clear mind
2 years ago
"The responsibility for buying condoms lies with men" ;)
2 years ago
Confucius say, man with penis in peanut butter jar, fucking nuts.
Ms FoxyMsSuperFoxy
2 years ago
Confucius say, man who eat pussy, do lip service.
Ms Foxy 💋Dryphuz
2 years ago
Spelling the alphabet with your tongue... I thought maybe i could do it backwards and be less obvious about it. I only got as far as X when she asked if i was doing the alphabet :)
RHP User
2 years ago
My best tip is to seduce and to make your partner feel 100% confident in himself and to be his fantasy. Love to be dominant and take charge and with men never threaten their masculinity but to encourage it. The results are just incredibly satisfying.
I find with women again dominate, feminine yet sexy. I want her because she is a Goddess and a beauty that deserves praise and adoration.
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