A very exclusive party...?

May 09 2021

Sorry time to endure my slow, unwinding thought processes again. Actually not sorry as you need read no further haha.
Spurred by a few posts on “exclusivity” and “high end” parties I got to thinking what kind of vibe would really suit me.
One post was about a $450 a couple ticket party, now I understand that the aim of this might be to attract a more cultured crowd but I just don’t see it. In our lovely country we have far more cashed up bogans than well earning “cultured” folk and most of us are a mix in between. Then there are the amazing people who do so much for society with little financial reward, these are likely the people I am most attracted to but how does one market a party at such people?

Swinging is a hedonistic endeavour so it’s understandable we might want to live it up to the max as part of the pleasurable escape but when does it become just too self-indulgent (I bet many are asking the same question about this post). Isn’t the simplicity of sharing our most intimate selves with each other so beautiful that we really don’t need the champagne and oysters?
So what descriptions to use to market a party for deeply caring souls to connect in both mental and physical pleasure?
The antonym of hedonistic is ascetic (I can use a dictionary) which doesn’t work as it implies avoiding physical pleasure and in its near-synonyms is “uncharitable”, which leads me to a descriptor that i feel captures what I’m dreaming about.
“Charitable” - having or showing a concern for the welfare of others. That’s it, I want to share intimate times with people who are charitable more than any other trait. When I look back on my lovers, both long term and fleeting, it is the caring people who have made the best lovers.
So RHP brains trust, how would you suggest to form a network of swingers rich in bountiful charity?
Maybe a Swingathon, but where would the donations be best directed?
Maybe we could start with a poll:
Which would you prefer to attend at $225 a head (no matter single, couple, gender, physical appearance)
A/ A “high end” experience in a swanky locale worthy of a Hemsworth with bubbles (and they better be French), oysters, foie gras and the like. The proceeds of ticket sales will be spent wholly on the costs of the night with an undetermined amount to profit of the organiser.
B/ A just as lovely locale where a Hemsworth may have visited before becoming uber rich, with some simple platters along the Jatz crackers and French onion dip lines but hey let’s make them fully vegan so all can be looked after. All proceeds after direct cost of venue, dip and crackers will go to a registered charity.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I am shallow, so going AAA

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Each to their own ... so neither , rather a bbq , pool and a beer .

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    If I wanted to attract the kind of people I like I’d charge them cover costs only for whatever spread was being put on, however, as the organiser I’d only accept those who were willing to provide their home address and or personal phone number. I know a lot of people would absolutely hate that and that’s ok but I want to know I can trust people and home addresses & personal phone numbers mean more to most than a cover charge.
    I’d have no issue providing those details to someone I’m planning on partying with and I don’t want to party with anyone who doesn’t trust me enough to return the show of faith 😊

  • Sawadee


    4 years ago

    Having $450 in your pocket' doesnt necessarily make you attractive. ?

  • ReyandJean


    4 years ago

    Charity fund-raisers are not unusual in the bdsm kink world, e. g. People auctions where money raised go to costs and extra to charity. The people auctioned donate services to the cause and the winning bids access those services. A similar demographic likely exists to support such parties in the swinging corner of the kink world.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Kink is quite charity and community oriented. There’s a far greater gender, orientation, LGBTIQ diversity in the kink scene than in mainstream swingers and hence they tend to be supportive of marginalized groups. In one of our kink parties we had an orgasm marathon where each orgasm was recorded in a 30 min period and a donation per orgasm given. We raised over $500.