M49 F51
50th birthday
August 21 2023
2 years ago
I asked my wife if she would like to experience a new guy for her birthday . She agree'd and we set about looking for someone she would be attracted too. Not a easy task as she has always been super fussy... We finally found a guy she found attractive and after chatting for awhile agree'd to meet at a neutral location .. He was very polite,and well mannered and we let him know we would get back to him as we agreed beforehand to weigh things up instead of just jumping in.... After a week of thinking this over , she finally agreed . So we organised to meet at a nice hotel , had a few drinks before,going up to our room... All went really well for her and she enjoyed her birthday specially as the guy surprised her with a thick 9 inches .. So yes , it can be fantastic if done right .. So where was l ? for safety reasons , she insisted l be close by ...
2 years ago
For my 50th, Margo suggested we head to Melbourne, and I have 'sexual relations' with the first woman ever, besides Margo. A woman I'd been chatting with on Twitter for over a year, and met once previously. (Platonically.)
So we headed south, and I had 3hrs of amazing sexy fun in our beautiful hotel. The most wonderful & selfless 50th gift I could have dreamed, from my beautiful wife.
Not much help to you I know, sorry.
- Alex.TheWACouple73
2 years ago
Thanks guys so far. I am very open to sharing. I would love to be the cuck and only watch if I am allowed by the bull. We could also make it a regular thing but we obviously have to meet the right people and I would encourage her to dip her toes
RHP User
2 years ago
A lovely couple in the Northern suburbs are having a couple of parties next month. A daunting thing for a new couple but I can assure you they're awesome. Very relaxed and friendly and a great way to meet people. I would recommend that as a birthday idea because it's a buffet of sexual possibilities.
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