3 Questions to Filter...What are they?

October 28 2024

If you could only ask three questions to ascertain a potential playmate's suitability, what would they be and what would you hope to hear?

I'd ask...

1.) Tell me about the last book you read and why you chose it?

2.) The last risk you took - what was it and was it worth it?

3.) When did you last thank someone and what was it for?

I'm looking for some sense of humanity and curiosity. I think they'd be a solid filter.


  • NeoAndTrin


    5 months ago

    Interesting choices for what is essentially a hookup site. Are you hoping to find a kindred soul here? Yours sound like one aimed at finding such a person.

    As I already have my perfect person I'd say mine probably aren't dissimilar to Kevin Bloody Wilsons

    "Do you fuck on first dates?"
    "Does your dad own a brewery?"
    "Can I feel your tits or would you show me too me?"


    Although I would throw in one like yours to get a feeling for the person(s) character.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 months ago

    1 : if you are having scones and cream do you put cream then jam or jam then cream?

    2: Do you stir your coffee clockwise or anticlockwise

    3: mushy peas in your pie, yes or no?

    I’m looking for a sense of humanity too

  • MrandMrsEss


    5 months ago

    I think these questions are great. I might change the first one to include music, film, theatre etc

    Last book was The Mountain Shadow by Gregory David Roberts. I do audiobooks while driving. I was sad to finish this book as it was so engaging.

    We all take risks every day, most seem so small they don’t seem worthy of mention. I risk being genuine with people in my work interactions, which makes me happy but doesn’t make me money!

    I thank my partner daily for the many things she does and the person she is. I thank colleagues for their efforts and I thank clients for placing their trust in me.

    Am I rootable?

  • FeistyFatty


    5 months ago

    Yikes. I'd be eye rolling so hard and ignoring any messages that asked these questions...... I literally couldn't care less about people's literary interests or risk awareness.

  • ProfessorBi


    5 months ago

    For a FWB these questions fit very well.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 months ago

    only need one question, pineapple on pizza , yes or no

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 months ago

    1. When are you free?
    2. What time?
    3. What's the Address?

    See you soon!

    Ms Foxy

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    5 months ago

    1: What’s the naughtiest sexual thing you have ever done?
    2: What’s the naughtiest sexual thing you have wanted to do but not yet done?
    3: (based on responses to 1 and 2): Where and when would you like to meet for a face to face chat?

  • Sawadee


    5 months ago

    The old KISS principle.. ( keep it simple stupid )

    1.. No questioning.. lf l like you , l like you '.. be yourself

    2. We could always go to a nice bar or restaurant if you like..

    3... If we click, who knows what comes next....

  • nightingale8


    5 months ago

    My filter questions are so ineffective I figure I could get some ideas. So far I’m not convinced any of these would work!
    Somewhere in between burning my thoughts with the intense questions and a ‘let’s get freaky’ approach.

    Maybe something along the lines of, “did you know rubbing tomato sauce on your privates makes that skin softer?” For no other reason than to test how much he or she is willing to suspend disbelief for something new (or stroke my ego - either is fine lol)

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    5 months ago

    I'm on the same page as you OP. I get this completely. Wanting this type of depth in a ny type of partner can make rhp a lonely place sometimes.

    I have so found a handful of people over the years and those people are worth the sorting and the wait.

    I wish you were in Brisbane. I think we'd be wonderful friends.

    Some questions might include.

    How do you contribute to making your community a better place?

    What current political situations around the world are infuriating you?

    How do you see the role of men women and gender in society?

  • gazpacho


    5 months ago

    A name can be useful. I’d want to know who to swear at, as that spares confusion in a dark room.

    A safe word can be essential, depending on the circumstances.

    Do you mind if I put this in your bum, would be right up there.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 months ago

    1. Fantasies about fucking Foxy
    2. To Fuck Foxy!
    3. The Year 2045. Only if Capt No Beard promises to rise to the occasion.

    I'll bring the carrots!!!

    Ms Foxy

  • hornybrowndude


    4 months ago

    Ooh I like this, much thought has to be given to the question and then to phrase it in a streamlined short and succinct manner yet requiring the answer to provide depth and insight into the individual. I would go with the following:
    1- what does open communication mean to you in the context of a swinging relationship? Can reveal the individuals values regarding honesty and transparency.

    2. How do you handle jealousy or insecurities when they arise during a play session or afterwards and also over the course of the swinging journey? Understanding how they handle an emotional challenge and their level of emotional intelligence and maturity.

    3. What are your boundaries and expectations when it comes to swinging and how do you ensure they are respected? This will help to assess the persons understanding of consent and respect for both their own and their partners limits.

  • Pangolin28


    4 months ago

    As someone who enjoys the friendship side of things. I enjoy those kind of questions. I do find many not interested in actually wishing to know the things we enjoy in our daily lives. But hell this isn't exactly a dating site as such. Sometimes a basic but different question to ascertain a personality can tell you more about that potential person than the obvious what most are here for

  • Cumberlander


    4 months ago

    1. Is there any part of your body where my mouth is not allowed? (Preferred answer: No)
    2. Do you prefer silence, with some moaning, or a little sexy dirty talk? (Preferred answer: A little sexy dirty talk)
    3. Can you be totally naked with the lights on? (Preferred answer: Yes)

  • TallstTgurlEver


    3 months ago

    1.) Do we have a council permit for the nature reserve dogging tonight??
    2.)Whose turn is it to hand out the Mentos fresh mints, found at the base of council latreen's??
    3.) 5,4,3,2,1 (takes blind fold off under the cover of summertime darkness) shouts "READY OR NOT HERE I Come"
    purely seeking people with a sense of humor, to laugh with ..