


2019 and beyond.

December 30 2018

Life will always be a work in progress to me there is no such thing as our lives being set in stone life throws curveballs that point our compasses in unexpected directions. - The last 15 months have been a rollercoaster of peoples shit behaviours both in RL and online. In recent months and after having to be in contact (there has been none since 2001) with my siblings due to our mother passing away, they exhibited the same shitty attitudes/behaviours towards me; it reconfirmed why I went no contact in the first place and the reason it will remain that way. .Came across this quote recently ---Be kind and full of love ... but have boundaries like a motherfucker ------ Elephant Books ---.Love it and spot on for where I am at,so over my siblings as well as a percentage of human beings shitty nonsense and the way they use manipulative projective crap tactics to create a distraction on purpose, their agenda is to throw things off course by deflecting which creates a distraction, fortunately, but not always the truth comes to the surface and they get caught out. - After growing up in an abusive environment as well as recently-ish (as mentioned above) being around my siblings, I now know the direction I am heading towards with my deal breakers as well as having boundaries like a motherfucker....Just came across this quote, perfect timing.For all the fucked up knuckle dragging cunt waffles, who think it's ok to treat someone like shit for no reason! Just remember karma's watching!.
A deal breaker for me treat me like crap once you're on notice, treat like crap twice then you can rack off and good riddance to ya..Do you have dealbreakers etc for 2019 and beyond?


  • Lullah


    6 years ago

    The second quote in my op is from a Narcisitic Abuse web page and the quote is by Paul Dookie.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Quite some anger there. Once all the usual proceedings are over with regard to your mother's passing, no need for you to keep in contact with your siblings at all. Good old family, eh?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Very sorry to hear that Lily Rose xx

    My thing that i stick by is One shot and youre out.
    I never give second chances under any circumstances.

    The only thing im doing for '19 is putting my walls up a bit higher for self protection and cutting my friendship circle down quite a lot.
    And im going to try going a full year without sex, but that shouldnt be a problem!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I reckon I’ll just continue being being the same delightful, inappropriate cunt I’ve always been lol

  • Lullah


    6 years ago

    a great quote ..

    Trust the vibes you get about people,.ENERGY DOSEN'T LIE
    -- UNKNOWN ---

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Focus on self, fitness, health, hobbies.
    Not to a completely isolated extent, but a lot of things that have been missed out on at the expense of time with/helping others.

    The right balance is key, but we all have our own things we want to achieve and life is a lot more enjoyable as we do.

    But also being more open about issues, seeking help earlier, spreading awareness of things. Just trying to be more of a useful part of society while hopefully avoiding the shit...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Someone told me they were a bigot. Unfortunately I thought they were joking.turns out they were indeed speaking their truth.

    We no longer speak.I refuse to tolerate bigotry in any shape or form.

    Hugs Q

  • Lullah


    5 years ago

    I might be swaying in the same direction as yourself Alison second chances are quite often a mistake.
    Quoting 'CD_Alison'

    My thing that i stick by is One shot and youre out.

  • Lullah