Open Day then Stay and Play


Cost / Tickets:
FREE for first time visitors
Most suited for:
Men, Women, Couples, Groups, Couples FF, Couples MM, TV/CD, Trans Women, Trans Men. Between 22 yo to 65 yo
A unique opportunity to check out Infusions club.

This event is open to those who have not previously attended Infusions Club and would like to tour the venue and chat with the manager/owners before attending an event.

Open Sunday 3:30pm -5pm

Infusions manager Rose will be there to show you around and explain our rules and answer any questions you may have. Bring some drinks and enjoy a chat with others.

Attendees are welcome to stay for the regular Sunday session. If you choose to stay you will need to pay standard Sunday entry charge. We’ll open the play rooms from 5pm for the Sunday event so you can enjoy the excitement that infusions is known for.

Contact us for details and address
Open Day Sunday
This is a meet and greet event only with playrooms closed.

Attendees are welcome to stay for the regular Sunday session. If you choose to stay you will need to pay standard Sunday entry. Playrooms will be opened at 5pm for the regular Sunday session.

Travel Events

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Friday, March 14

Central Coast

Friday, March 14


Monday, March 24
