After trying to book accommodation and having none available due to a football carnival and 2 major shutdowns within the immediate Gladstone region we have unfortunately had to change the dates so people can get accommodation.
New date 7 Jun
Meet and greet by the waters edge at the beautiful Gladstone Yacht Club outdoor area. Meet like-minded individuals in a safe and public environment whilst enjoying the view and sound of water.
Black and Red
Sexy and seductive, but remember public environment
No means no and will be in an open public venue, so please dress accordingly. Drinks and food will be at your own expense. Accommodation is plenty and many places within walking distance. After the meet and greet a night club and strip joint within 200m for those that wish and we will see what the night will bring
After trying to book accommodation and having none available due to a football carnival and 2 major shutdowns within the immediate Gladstone region we have unfortunately had to change the dates so people can get accommodation.
New date 7 Jun
Meet and greet by the waters edge at the beautiful Gladstone Yacht Club outdoor area.
Meet like-minded individuals in a safe and public environment whilst enjoying the view and sound of water.
Register your interest