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Video Intro & Webcam Chat: Come into the 21st Century here at RedHotPieIs my watch broken?? Or is it still 1999?? It seems like everywhere I turn these days, most adult dating sites...

RedHotPie Editor | May 19 2006

Video Intro & Webcam Chat: Come into the 21st Century here at RedHotPie

Is my watch broken?? Or is it still 1999?? It seems like everywhere I turn these days, most adult dating sites are stuck in the 20th Century, using outdated first-gen internet technology. Personally, I am so over the old school text based chat rooms where a member’s sex is denoted by the color of their profile name. Here at RedHotPie our technical team has embraced the best technological innovations that the 21st Century has to offer. On RedHotPie you can actually tell a members sex by what they look like as they beam into your living room on RHP Webcam Chat. Also, instead of a one dimensional profile image, you can see other members from all angle and hear their sexy voices with RHP Video Intro! Never again fall victim to the dreaded digital phantom at RedHotPie.