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Sex on the first dateA new set of dating guidelines, have been circulating and challenging conventional wisdom, by telling women...

Christina Miller | December 10 2013

Sex on the first date

To have sex or not to have sex on your first date, that is the question.

A new set of dating guidelines, have been circulating and challenging conventional wisdom, by telling women it’s fine to have sex on their first date.

It’s obviously not a rule of thumb, but if sex presents itself on the first date and the chemistry is right, why not go for it? Sex on the first date just means you fancied each other enough at the time. Besides sex is always more exciting when you do it in that moment of explosive lust, sex is also great when you love someone but a bit different.
Having sex on the first date shouldn’t deter anyone from pursuing a relationship quite the contrary especially if the sex is great it might make both parties keener.

Some of the reasons for having sex on the first date are valid and also practical:

Determine Sexual compatibility.

Assess from the onset your sexual compatibilities. We are all into different things in bed, and if your newfound love has interests that are really ‘out there’, like fetishes such as Autonepiophilia (infantilism) or Podophilia (feet worship) and you’re pretty straight laced, then you better off finding out straight away and move on.
However, if during the date you found out that you don’t really like each other but you find each other hot, the sex might be amazing and you might’ve found yourself a FWB.

Penis Size.

This is an issue that might be nice to get out of the way straight way. Imagine investing a certain amount of time with someone you like but doesn’t measure up to the task. The sooner you know about his package the better. Especially, if you’re one of these women who achieve vaginal orgasm and the right penis size is the only thing that’s going to get you there, then let’s be practical and meet the ‘main actor’ immediately.

There’s no needless build-up.

Courtship can be fun and awkward at the same time because of all the sexual tension in the air. Having sex on the first date eliminates all this anxiety and also does away with all the pretenses and you can start being you from the beginning.

No wasting time.

Dating can take up a lot of your time and effort, so why go through countless dates only to find out that you’re not really sexually compatible with each other. If you’re not compatible with each other having sex on the first date will make this amply obvious. It might be awkward but think of the time you saved yourself and the disappointment you might have spared yourself.

If you happen to find someone who you like and are sexually compatible you might even end up falling in love. Plus a relationship has a better chance of lasting in the long run with super sex and amazing compatibility.

There are still those who are strong advocates of holding back on the first date and taking it slow. What comes to mind is the old saying ‘For different folks different strokes!’
Ultimately, only you can decide for yourself if sleeping with a guy on a first date is a good idea for you and what you want from him after the sex is over.
Guidelines to dating are not set in cement and therefore each and every experience has a set of different approaches that each individual sees fit on the occasion.

Are you for or against on sex on the first date? Let us know your views please.


  • AsianAppa

    05 Jan 2019

    What if he gave you an orgasm using other methods? Such as, he has a really talented tongue? Or, he has a really interesting collection of toys?