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Rock Around The Clock!Two daring young lovers have been caught having sex at the top of Sydney's historic clock tower. Extraordinary...

RedHotPie Editor | November 25 2009

Rock Around The Clock!

Two daring young lovers have been caught having sex at the top of Sydney's historic clock tower.

Extraordinary pictures obtained by the Daily Telegraph show the couple apparently giving each other a number of very special hugs against the balcony underneath the giant clock across the road from Broadway Shopping Centre, near the University of Sydney, at 3.30pm on Friday.

The pair were in full view of the busy street below and almost seemed to be deliberately on display, soon attracting a crowd of onlookers.

The pictures were taken by a bystander from a bus stop across the road, where people were pointing and laughing at the twosome.

"A few other people had noticed as well and when I started taking photos everyone in the area started to look up and point, laugh, grin," the witness said.

"From the looks of it, the couple did seem to know they could be seen and seemed complete unfazed."
