WINNER ANNOUNCED! Check now to see if you're the lucky winner!
Rebecca Daniels | January 22 2021
RHP's Massive Australia Day Party Give-Away!!!
WINNER: The_Red_Sparrow
Keep an eye on your inbox as we'll be reaching out to get your prize out to you ASAP!
We're determined to make 2021 the sexiest year on record, and for Australia Day this year we're gonna have to go LARGE!
With that in mind we're giving away a massive party package so you can celebrate in sexy style - all on us! We’ve got you covered - food, drinks, tunes, threads, hell we’ll spring for a new esky if that’s what you need! Check out the prize-pack below and get your entry in now.
Dan Murphys
Nothing says Australia day like knocking the top off a cold one or sipping on a cheeky vino! Well, we’ve got your Aus Day tipple sorted thanks to a $100 Dan Murphies card – cheers, big ears!
Those snags and salads aren’t going to buy themselves! Hop on down to Coles with this $100 gift card and load the trolley up with all the goodies your party will need. So that’s booze and food covered… what else?
Tunes! Every bangin’ party needs a red hot soundtrack and we’ve got you sorted. 6 months of Spotify premium will ensure your neighbours know where the party’s at. Phil Collins, Pantera, Diplo, Beyonce, just pick your jams and crank the volume.
The Iconic
As the host of this very sexy, very patriotic shindig, you’re going to need to look your best. Load up this $100 Iconic gift card and refresh the wardrobe with 2021’s hottest fashions.
Every party needs some practical items; think eskies, chairs, barbies etc. This $100 BCF gift card will ensure your backyard’s decked out with all the gear required to host your monster Australia Day rave!
For your chance to win simply email your full name, RedHotPie username, address and response to the question below to [email protected]
(Be sure to email your response, don't chuck it in the comments below and give it away!)
The Aussie legend who sang 'You're the Voice' is WHO Farnham?
Competition closes Wednesday 20th January, 2021 at midnight.
23 Jan 2021
Just what I need to get myself back together and back in the social environment
22 Jan 2021
Whoo hoo!!! Thank You so much RHP Team.. it will be a cracking Australia Day!
19 Jan 2021
sweet! 🙌
11 Jan 2021
06 Jan 2021
👏excited clap! Fab prizes!
04 Jan 2021
MMMM. Sounds like a great time in the making for all of us.... get your sexy on!!! 🥂🇭🇲
31 Dec 2020