With the current poll on female attributes exciting all the RedHotPie lads (and a few of us girls,) I thought...
RedHotPie Editor | April 19 2012
Man Bait – The Most Potent Female Qualities.
With the current poll on female attributes exciting all the RedHotPie lads (and a few of us girls,) I thought I’d compile a list of female qualities that drive men wild.
While there are more than a few consistencies in the male species (crotch scratching, aversion to lawn mowing,) each fella is unique, so there’s no concrete list that will prove universally true - but there are things that most men find appealing.
So with the help of our crack research team I’ve trawled through reams of sexual statistics from The Great Australian Sex Census and various RHP polls to find out what Aussie lads are most often looking for in women... we’ll start at number eight and work our way to the gold.
8. Dress Well
It is important that a woman keep up her appearance. Do you want to be perceived as the sexy, stylish goddess or the sloppy slapper? A woman who dresses well is a woman who takes care of herself.
Not only will it draw guys in, you’ll also feel good about yourself; and it doesn’t have to be a chore. Turn it into a dress-up game and keep your man guessing - retina burning little black dress one night, brand denim and rock T chic the next.
7. Have confidence
Nine times out of ten, confidence indicates several desirable qualities, and it seems the guys have figured this out. A woman who feels good about herself has usually done the hard work to get there; it’s quite likely she’s rational, focused and certain of her direction in life.
If you’re not confident in yourself, then why should a guy be confident about the time and energy it would take not only to land you, but to actually date you? The last thing a potential suitor wants to sign on for is emotional babysitting.
So if you’re not there yet, spend some time on yourself. Set out to achieve a few goals (small at first) and get a few runs on the board. When you begin to see the things you’re capable of the confidence will come, and with it your man-slaying abilities.
6. Wealth
File this one under “uduh!” Of course men are going to rate wealth in a potential partner, but it’s not the aphrodisiac it can be for women. While gents no doubt love the idea of dating money, at the end of the day it’s just a bonus for them - like receiving a free side of steak with their steak. But ultimately, who’s gonna get more boudoir action, the sexy blonde art student who can’t pay her power bill or Oprah? Here’s a hint... it’s not Oprah.
5. Intelligence
Being desirable to a man is just as much about what you’ve got going on upstairs as it is about what’s happening downstairs. A lot of guys want a woman they can converse with, a woman they can learn from and grow with. Let’s face it, if we’re talking long term relationships, the lustful sparks of passion can dim after a while, and when that happens you better pray that you have something to talk about.
4. Sense of Humour
It’s a simple scenario, guy makes joke - woman laughs, woman makes joke - guy laughs and marries woman. Well perhaps there’re a few more steps than that, but being able to hang with a guy in the humour stakes will get you mad points!
We’re not talking about scaling pool tables and lighting farts, just the ability to recognise and be receptive to humour, and hit back with a few of your own zingers now and then. In the early days it’ll help break the ice and down the track it’ll help keep things positive and enjoyable.
3. Sex drive
File this one under “UDUUUUH!!!!!!” Yes it’s no secret that men value a woman’s willingness to sleep with them rather highly; the discovery of this fact is right up there with the sky being blue and fire being hot.
But keep the long-game in mind ladies, while sleeping with a guy straight away will indeed give you a shot of confidence, some guys value the chase over anything else, so if you jump into bed before you’ve beguiled him with your other amazing qualities, he may not stick around to cuddle. Hey, if you’re just chasing a quickie then everyone’s happy, but if you want happily ever after, maybe ease into things and grant yourself and your body the worth it deserves.
2. An Amazing Body
Having a great body is a win - win situation, you’re going to attract more of that sweet, sweet attention and you’re going to feel fit and healthy into the bargain (if you’re looking good for the right reasons.) But while this idea sounds pretty obvious, it’s actually a bit more involved than you might think.
As we know, each gentlemen is unique, and where one man might walk in front of a bus for a big pair of boobs, it may not even cause the next man to take a second glance. So what to do? Rock what ya got! If you got boobs, own ‘em, if you’ve been blessed with legs, tone ‘em up and show ‘em off.
And if you’re not feeling like you’ve got any real physical assets, the great thing is that you can do something about it. Be warned, there’s no short cuts, you have to watch the diet and sweat your butt off, but again, with the results comes fitness, confidence and the new found positivity that will have you attracting the guys in no time.
1. A Pretty Face
You can build confidence, you can beat your body into shape and you can become wealthy, unfortunately, only the gods can dish out a truly beautiful face, and that probably why it’s topping our list.
If you one of the lucky ones blessed with a Meagan Fox calibre face, beyond gross obesity, or exceptionally poor personal hygiene, there’s not much that will stop you in the man acquisition game.
You might have the whole package or perhaps one killer asset, Green eyes that can drown men, or perhaps you’ve got one of those smiles that can break hearts at 30 paces. Either way, our findings show a pretty face or facial feature is the most potent weapon in a man hunt, so exfoliate, pluck, scrub and moisten, and then... get out there!
While there are more than a few consistencies in the male species (crotch scratching, aversion to lawn mowing,) each fella is unique, so there’s no concrete list that will prove universally true - but there are things that most men find appealing.
So with the help of our crack research team I’ve trawled through reams of sexual statistics from The Great Australian Sex Census and various RHP polls to find out what Aussie lads are most often looking for in women... we’ll start at number eight and work our way to the gold.
8. Dress Well
It is important that a woman keep up her appearance. Do you want to be perceived as the sexy, stylish goddess or the sloppy slapper? A woman who dresses well is a woman who takes care of herself.
Not only will it draw guys in, you’ll also feel good about yourself; and it doesn’t have to be a chore. Turn it into a dress-up game and keep your man guessing - retina burning little black dress one night, brand denim and rock T chic the next.
7. Have confidence
Nine times out of ten, confidence indicates several desirable qualities, and it seems the guys have figured this out. A woman who feels good about herself has usually done the hard work to get there; it’s quite likely she’s rational, focused and certain of her direction in life.
If you’re not confident in yourself, then why should a guy be confident about the time and energy it would take not only to land you, but to actually date you? The last thing a potential suitor wants to sign on for is emotional babysitting.
So if you’re not there yet, spend some time on yourself. Set out to achieve a few goals (small at first) and get a few runs on the board. When you begin to see the things you’re capable of the confidence will come, and with it your man-slaying abilities.
6. Wealth
File this one under “uduh!” Of course men are going to rate wealth in a potential partner, but it’s not the aphrodisiac it can be for women. While gents no doubt love the idea of dating money, at the end of the day it’s just a bonus for them - like receiving a free side of steak with their steak. But ultimately, who’s gonna get more boudoir action, the sexy blonde art student who can’t pay her power bill or Oprah? Here’s a hint... it’s not Oprah.
5. Intelligence
Being desirable to a man is just as much about what you’ve got going on upstairs as it is about what’s happening downstairs. A lot of guys want a woman they can converse with, a woman they can learn from and grow with. Let’s face it, if we’re talking long term relationships, the lustful sparks of passion can dim after a while, and when that happens you better pray that you have something to talk about.
4. Sense of Humour
It’s a simple scenario, guy makes joke - woman laughs, woman makes joke - guy laughs and marries woman. Well perhaps there’re a few more steps than that, but being able to hang with a guy in the humour stakes will get you mad points!
We’re not talking about scaling pool tables and lighting farts, just the ability to recognise and be receptive to humour, and hit back with a few of your own zingers now and then. In the early days it’ll help break the ice and down the track it’ll help keep things positive and enjoyable.
3. Sex drive
File this one under “UDUUUUH!!!!!!” Yes it’s no secret that men value a woman’s willingness to sleep with them rather highly; the discovery of this fact is right up there with the sky being blue and fire being hot.
But keep the long-game in mind ladies, while sleeping with a guy straight away will indeed give you a shot of confidence, some guys value the chase over anything else, so if you jump into bed before you’ve beguiled him with your other amazing qualities, he may not stick around to cuddle. Hey, if you’re just chasing a quickie then everyone’s happy, but if you want happily ever after, maybe ease into things and grant yourself and your body the worth it deserves.
2. An Amazing Body
Having a great body is a win - win situation, you’re going to attract more of that sweet, sweet attention and you’re going to feel fit and healthy into the bargain (if you’re looking good for the right reasons.) But while this idea sounds pretty obvious, it’s actually a bit more involved than you might think.
As we know, each gentlemen is unique, and where one man might walk in front of a bus for a big pair of boobs, it may not even cause the next man to take a second glance. So what to do? Rock what ya got! If you got boobs, own ‘em, if you’ve been blessed with legs, tone ‘em up and show ‘em off.
And if you’re not feeling like you’ve got any real physical assets, the great thing is that you can do something about it. Be warned, there’s no short cuts, you have to watch the diet and sweat your butt off, but again, with the results comes fitness, confidence and the new found positivity that will have you attracting the guys in no time.
1. A Pretty Face
You can build confidence, you can beat your body into shape and you can become wealthy, unfortunately, only the gods can dish out a truly beautiful face, and that probably why it’s topping our list.
If you one of the lucky ones blessed with a Meagan Fox calibre face, beyond gross obesity, or exceptionally poor personal hygiene, there’s not much that will stop you in the man acquisition game.
You might have the whole package or perhaps one killer asset, Green eyes that can drown men, or perhaps you’ve got one of those smiles that can break hearts at 30 paces. Either way, our findings show a pretty face or facial feature is the most potent weapon in a man hunt, so exfoliate, pluck, scrub and moisten, and then... get out there!