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Ginseng is nature's Viagra: studyMen wanting relief from erectile dysfunction could try taking ginseng tablets after South Korean research found...

RedHotPie Editor | January 09 2013

Ginseng is nature's Viagra: study

Men wanting relief from erectile dysfunction could try taking ginseng tablets after South Korean research found it improved sexual function after just a few weeks.

Previous research has studied the use of ginseng in mice however scientists at the Yonsei University College of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea, looked at 119 men who had been diagnosed with mild to moderate erectile problems.

They were split into two groups with one half taking four tablets containing extracts of Korean ginseng berry, while the other half took placebo tablets.

After eight weeks, the researchers found those taking the ginseng tablets had a moderate but significant improvement in sexual function.

The root of the ginseng plant has been used in alternative medicine for thousands of years to improve overall health.

"Korean ginseng berry extract improved all domains of sexual function," the researchers wrote.

"It can be used as an alternative to medicine to improve sexual life in men."

Some past studies have found ginseng can help impotence, but a lot of the studies were done in mice.

Professor Rob McLachlan, director of Andrology Australia, told ninemsn the results were interesting but not powerful enough to take over from current treatments.

"There was a small but significant improvement, however Viagra would give you a bigger effect in this group," he said.

"It does suggest an effect on the erectile function score. I imagine there will be some strength given to the natural therapy people with this."

Professor McLachlan said ginseng may be of interest to men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction who suffer side effects from drugs such as Viagra.

"Some people do get side effects like headache and facial flushing and feeling odd," he said.

"Those who are unable to take doses of these other agents might like to explore this."



  • latinlover6169

    09 Jan 2013

    totally natural make a product called erectomax which retails for around $70-80 for a pack of 60 which you take 1 tablet twice daily. My wife has really noticed a difference and I have found its claims of enhancing libido, sexual performance,muscle mass and strength and energy and stamina to be true