Research has found that women who regularly reach orgasm during sex reported having more erotic thoughts and...
RedHotPie Editor | December 09 2014
Can women think their way to orgasms?
The study looked at 251 French women ages 18 to 67, of this group 176 women in the group said they regularly had orgasms during sex and 75 said they had difficulties climaxing with their partners. All those in the group said they were sexually active and the frequency of sexual activity varied between two and 90 times per month. Women in the study were asked to answer questions about the thoughts, emotions and behaviours that played a part in their ability to orgasm during sex and self-stimulation.
The results align with the results of another study published in 2011 in the journal Sexologies which found a link between the lack of erotic thoughts during intercourse and troubles reaching orgasm. The study also found that women who were not able to reach orgasm tended to be distracted by other thoughts not related to sex during intercourse.
It seems the key to more frequent orgasms could be a little mindfulness and whole lot of erotic fantasies.
Does this seem on the money, ladies? Do sexy thoughts help you get over the line? Let us know below!
09 Dec 2014
Absolutely.. surly its part of it..))
09 Dec 2014
Absolutely!! The mind plays a huge part in the ability to orgasm. My partner and I have worked together so that he can bring me to orgasm using my mind only. We started with touching and using a command, where I would only orgasm when he told me to, which graduated to my body being able to orgasm solely with his command. We now have a hand signal that he uses sometimes, in a crowded room......yikes!!
09 Dec 2014
Yep....... absolutely achievable. although I suspect those saying they had sexual activity 90m times a month... were the ones fibbing lol