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Bag it like Beckham!Want to have sex with Becks? Now anyone can! Condoms decorated with the soccer star's gorgeous mug will soon...

RedHotPie Editor | October 23 2009

Bag it like Beckham!

Want to have sex with Becks? Now anyone can!

Condoms decorated with the soccer star's gorgeous mug will soon be available for sale in a Madrid museum. Hmm, because unsafe sex after hooking up at museums is totally on the rise?

Actually, the condoms are part of an art exhibition at the museum called Tears of Eros.

Baroness Thyssen, the wife of the museum founder, says she totally supports the unusual project. "I don't see why anyone should be scandalised. It is a way of bringing art and responsibility," she says.

It's also a way of making a ton of money. Wonder if Becks is getting a cut?
