Tips on how to ace your first RHP video date
Christina Miller | July 29 2020
Ace your first RHP video date
RHP now has an awesome LIVE messenger system where you can chat live, swap photos and start a video or audio call with other matching members.
Video chat is a great way for you to get to see the real person, establish if there is a connection and chemistry before you decide to meet face to face - no more unpleasant surprises!
The best part is, if things do not seem to jell while you are video chatting, all you have to do is cut the conversation short, and when you hang-up you are already at home, rather than having to stay through drinks or dinner with someone you have no chemistry.
What better way than to start off with a video date, and then work your way up to meeting in person.
If the prospect of video chatting makes you nervous, you are not alone. We collected some tips to ace your first RHP video chat.
Begin with texting
Going straight to video chat might feel like a big leap. So, why not start with texting each other first? It is a great way to build trust before letting someone see you. Developing a connection over text before video chatting; could make things feel more comfortable and natural before you move to video chat. Once you ignite the sparks via text, it is time to try video chat. Texting after a while can be limiting since you can not see any visual cues and voice inflections.
Schedule a date/time for video chat
Moving from text to video chat will feel natural and the next obvious step. Texting has allowed you both a chance to break the ice. Video chat will deepen your connection. Plan a date and time that suits everybody. The exciting part of video chat is that finally, you are going to see what the other person(s) look like, sound like, see their quirks and feel their vibe.
Next step, is to prep for your video chat.
Prepping tips before making the call.
Just like on a real date, make an effort. First impression count. Make an effort into preparing for your video chat. Have a shower, pick a sexy outfit, do your hair. Why the effort? Going through the ritual will help make the occasion feel special. It will make you feel like you are actually on a date.
Before going on video, fire up your webcam or phone video so you can test how you look on-screen and adjust the light source as necessary. Never sit with your back to a window or a bright light because you will show up dark. Play around with your camera to see which camera-angles make you look most attractive. Put some thought into your backdrop, choose lighting that compliments you and make sure whatever you wear looks good against your background. The last thing you want to do is blend into it and look like a floating head. Last, eliminate all potential distractions as you can, so lock your bedroom door.
Watch this video for some detailed tips on how to look confident on a video call
Come up with a few questions
Before starting your video call, come up with a few questions you can ask to keep the conversation flowing. Write some meaningful questions similar to the one below:
What’s the most fun holiday/ travel location you have been? Why?
What’s something you are passionate about?
Tell us something that is on your bucket list you haven’t done it?
What's the craziest or most embarrassing thing you've done?
What is one fantasy you like to fulfil, and why?
What celebrity would you hook up with if you had a chance?
Keep your chat positive, negativity in a conversation is a mood killer. Another tip, wrap things up on a high note, that way they will be looking forward to interacting with you again.
Make the call
Preparation time is over and now you are ready to make that call and start your video chat. Aim to make it fun. Compared to being in a bar or restaurant where it is loud with you can get a little drunk; video chat might feel strange. To facilitate, have a glass of wine by your computer to relax and get in the mood. This video below shows a few couples on video chat and how they approach it.
Last - rate your video call.
Once you finish your video call ask yourself which category you fit in:
A. Piece of cake! It was a walk in the park
B. Good, but could be better. You had an awkward moment or two, or you did not feel completely comfortable.
C. Do second chances exist? Practice makes perfect. Or maybe it just was not your day.
If you answered A, congrats! If you answered B or C, do not sweat it. Ask yourself what you could improve on, work on it and give it another whirl.
After reading this, we hope that the prospect of video chatting is a lot less daunting.
What’s your go-to piece of advice for acing your video calls? Leave a comment down below!