Some fetishes are so common, it's likely everyone has one or more.
Christina Miller | May 31 2016
10 Fetishes You Didn’t Know You Had
People tend to think about fetishes as part of the BDSM world that do not pour over into the Vanilla world. However, without even realising there are many fetishes that are common practice in almost everyone’s bedroom. Sexual preferences that we all enjoy, unaware we talk about them all the time and use these common fetishes to spice up our bedroom antics.
The definition of a sexual fetish is the need for an object, body part or material to achieve an elevated state of sexual arousal. In short a fetish is something that HAS to be present for you to achieve arousal and orgasm.
A fetish is just a specific type of fantasy—and one that more people have than you probably realize.
Do you have one of the top 10 most common fetishes?
1. Sadism and Masochism
Sadism and masochism doesn’t always mean whips and chains. It can be as simple as enjoying being spanked or playing rough. Whether you enjoy doing the spanking, or being the one being spanked, you, might have a fetish for pain. Erotic spanking can be an extremely pleasurable activity.
2. Tattoos and Piercings
For some people, tattoos and body piercings are a huge turn on. One can ask – Are tattoos sexy or skanky? It boils down to personal preference and what you find attractive.
Some find one particular piercing to be especially attractive, while for others, the more the better. Did you know that if your preference for body art becomes sexually dependent, you might have stigmatophilia? Stigmatophilia is sexual arousal and sometimes orgasms depend on the partner being scarred, marked, tattooed, or pierced.
3. Hair
It’s when sexual arousal is dependent on the hair colour, thickness or length particularly for men. With women, they fixate on chest hair or beards. Some men love redheads, while some women love a man with a goatee. This fetish is based purely on hair aesthetics.
4. Exhibitionism
Source:autoflower/Yozik’s grow#2
Does the feeling that you might get caught walking the streets commando, or having a quick nookie in the back of the movie theater really turn you on? This fetish is all about getting off on taking risks.
5. Porn
Liking porn is actually a fetish. There is a difference between porn addiction and porn fetish. Those who have a porn fetish simply find the act of viewing pornography to be sexually stimulating, but don’t require the stimulus to achieve sexual gratification. However, to most, a little porn is totally healthy.
6. Role Playing
Almost everyone has tried role-play out at one time or other. Only because it’s a great way to turn your fantasies into realities. Not quite the same as the real thing, but it allows someone with a specific fantasy fetish to indulge with a degree of anonymity. There are so many sexual role-play fantasies that we don’t even realize are fetishes. The sexy school girl fantasy, sexy librarian, sexy nurse, or sexy mistress. Find these role plays incredibly sexy? You might have a fetish for role-play.
7. Cougars and Manthers
Bet you didn’t realise this but your attraction for older women (cougar) and the older man (manthers) is a fetish. Age gap relationships, what is all the fuss about really. Not your thing? Not all fetishes are meant to be enjoyed by everyone.
8. Feet
Part of what allows this particular fetish to be so common is that there can be so many variations of it. Triggers for foot fetishists range from the foot as a whole, to the polish on the toes, to the odor that they emit and even the shape of the feet. With so many options, no wonder it’s so common.
9. Butts
For the most part, fetishes that focus on one part of the body, like the butt, boobs, or stomach, aren’t typically considered a fetish. We’ve accepted that there are boob people, butt people and leg people. Let you in a secret, these are a fetish. Lately, in the social media there has been a increased focus on the butt, there are songs, twerking dances, etc. We’ve entered the era of the booty.
10. Underwear
This is the most openly and accepted public fetish. It’s sexual arousal by watching someone wearing underwear, smelling someone’s underwear, and touching a particular type of underwear. Majority of us might just have this fetish.
If we are honest with ourselves, we all have some sort of fetish(es) that fuels our passion and our fantasies. So get out there and let your freak flag fly.
Have anything to contribute to this topic? Leave your comments below.
07 Jul 2016
Seems pretty common.
09 Jun 2016
Nothing about Spanish style.....
01 Jun 2016
Everything but 1 & 2 for us, a big yes for 4 😇
01 Jun 2016
Oh how I love a lingerie clad women. Nothing sexier than a nice tight fitting Corset, enhancing the cleavage, a Black Lacey G String, Suspender, Stockings and a Chocker to top it off....
01 Jun 2016
Butts and underwear does it for me !!