

M49 F44

Bi visibility day / week

September 24 2020

Yesterday, Wednesday the 23rd of September was Bi visibility day! Should have posted this earlier in the week, but there's no reason not continue on with the message for a while longer. Being a welcoming open community on the pie all of us probably know many that identify as bisexual. In this world we can be open with our lifestyle friends in a way that others in society may struggle with, especially those in heterosexual relationships. Take your time to express your support and solidarity to those that identify as bi, whether they're male, female or trans. It all helps, especially with our ongoing mental health.

We're not confused about our sexuality, we're not on the road to becoming gay, we're not greedy and after as much as we can get! Being bisexual is as real as being gay or straight, those of us that sit in the middle of the Kinsey scale are as real and relevant as everyone else.

Take the time to briefly look up bivisibilty and bierasure, just a little bit of knowledge helps with understanding. Express your thoughts for your sexy bi friends! Hope everyone had a great bi awareness week


  • teamaj2


    4 years ago

    Excellent , eloquent and important message to all Spicy kale . We absolutely agree . It would be nice to think that people would be non judgemental and accepting. especially in the RHP community . You would safely assume here is a safe place to express our sexuality without fear of reproach .
    Especially after the uncertain time we’ve all been through in 2020 maybe now is a good time to be true to ourselves, be brave and follow our bi bliss .

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    It's good, it's goooood 🙏🏼👌🏼🥰
    In WA, we have plenty of support groups and social groups, I like and use BB Chill on meet up for example.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    There used to be a group a LOOONG time ago in Sydney but no longer