

M48 F48

Hospitality staff can hear you

March 29 2024

I'd worked in hospitality for years in a major venue in the city.


I seen soooo much AMAZING stuff then... 🤯


I worked with some of THE loooosest units on the planet 🤣😂😂🤪


And omg my eyes were opened to a side of life I'd never seen before .


Beautiful Transexual girls turning tricks in the lounge.. ( REAL beauty and GLAMOUR 💥💋 )


There was others turning tricks obviously... but those girls had the WOW FACTOR 🥰🥰🥰


The elderly gentleman that asked me if THAT was a boy or a girl... ( amazing tits 😍 )


And because im a smart arse.. I just said ... whatever you want her to be 🤣😂😂


They told me how they would walk their clients across the road and provide their services 😉



Amazing homosexual boys that gave me the low down on how things work in "their world" 🥰🥰

SAUNAS ... etc 😉

If you knowwww... you knowwww 😁😝🤫


The beautiful girls that struggled with their sexuality for years and eventually come out as Lesbians years later...


One gorgeous girl, couldn't find the words to tell me she was gay... 💗


And broke the news to me... telling me she had her licker licence 🤣😂😂🥰🥰🥰


And my response was are you happy...


Welllllll.... fuck what anyone else thinks.


And I think the most amazing things I got paid to people watch all this shit unfold in front of me.


I served drinks, listened to conversations... pick up lines...

Rolled my eyes when they actually worked 🤣😂


One dude had 2 TV's andddddd a commodore




Called security when someone decides to get fingered in the middle of our bar on a club lounge 😂😂😂


I did give them a chance to pack it in...

I'm not a total arsehole... 😁😉🙃


That patron was still referred to as Pussy man years later... 😂🤣😂


If you've heard of Pussy man and his fingering activities yeah... true story.. I was there 🤪🤫😹🤦‍♀️


The real fun, was when there was a sex club having a dress up night at a night club near by...


And I'd see these amazing people going off to something I knew nothing about...


I'd heard all sorts of things.... I couldn't just ask my vanilla friends to come with me..


And THAT'S OUR next adventure


I want to see it for myself... 😊


Life is for living...

