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How to nail that second date...Dating has changed people; no longer does a handful of roses and a little chivalry guarantee anything beyond...

RedHotPie Editor | September 11 2008

How to nail that second date...

Dating has changed people; no longer does a handful of roses and a little chivalry guarantee anything beyond date one. With the every expanding medium through which humans can communicate, navigating your way through a first date and onto a second has never been trickier. That problem is compounded when coming from the world of cyber-space.

Due to the incredible ease and comfort of online dating in the modern era, many of us are returning to the dating game after a long spell away. The jump from Cyber-fling to real world romance can be daunting to say the least. It’s all too easy to take the relaxed attitude that works so well online into the real deal, and to be honest, that just ain’t gonna cut it.

So let’s talk about the dos and dont's, for those of you who have been out of the game for a while and those of you who just want a little more ammo for your next big night out with someone that could become very special should you play your cards right.

Let’s kick off with the set-up. So you’ve clicked online and now you both want to meet face to face, test for chemistry and if all goes well… get it on! So where to go? What to do? Well don’t kid yourself, these are very important questions and they could be imperative in the acquisition of date number two.

A little cunning can put you in the driver’s seat here. During your online courtship ask the questions that will set you up for later - what do they like to eat? What sorts of clubs do they enjoy? How about their taste in film? All good stuff to give you the inside track for date one.

Next it’s the pre-match basics. Go shopping, get yourself some nice new threads, you don’t need to spend a fortune. Even just buying a nice new throw or a necklace can build you up a little and we all know confidence is the name of the game. Take a little extra time in the bathroom; shave what needs attention, clean anything that’s cleanable and get yourself sparkling, again, if you feel good, that will make a big difference in how others perceive you.

When it comes to the procurement of the second date, much of it will depend on the success of the first so do engage your new friend and show that you are really in the moment. That said it is just as important to relax and be yourself. The best thing remember is that they are probably everybit as anxious and keen for this to go well as you are so there’s not as much pressure on you as you might think.

As the first date winds down and you are (hopefully) thinking about seeing this person again it’s ok to start thinking about teeing up number two. There’s no harm in making your intentions known at the end of your first date. Obviously getting down on bended knee is too much but saying that you had a good time and you’d like to do it again sometime acknowledges your interest in your date and makes your intentions clear.

If you don’t get that window of opportunity of you can’t quite spit the words out, the traditional route of a phone call a couple of days later is still quite acceptable. Of course now it can be replaced with a simple text; some say the medium of text is a little impersonal but it allows you some time to think about what you want to say. Obviously don’t call the person an hour after your first date finishes and don’t leave it a week. A day or two is in the ballpark.

After the stupendous conversation you enjoyed on your first date you should by now be armed with a barrel of information about this person, coming up with your next tryst should be a little easier. If your date had mentioned much they liked a band that was touring, you best be checking the gig guides when you get home. If they love sports, go have some fun on the golf course or bowling alley, something novel that will endear you to them and make you stand out.

So there it is… it’s not rocket science, but a little planing does go a long way. You don’t need a instruction manual just a solid grasp of the basics and an understanding that there are two parties orbiting each other, each interested in the other on some level. So get out there and give it a go… Good luck!