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App Designed To Improve Your Oral Skills!Can a new app that asks you to lick your smartphone screen be the key to a better sex life? That’s what the...

RedHotPie Editor | March 13 2014

App Designed To Improve Your Oral Skills!

Can a new app that asks you to lick your smartphone screen be the key to a better sex life?

That’s what the makers of the Lick This app would have you believe anyway, with the new program reportedly helping users to enjoy adult bedtime a little more.

Smartphone users can access the app by visiting on their mobile internet browser.

From there on all they need is their tongue (and presumably some plastic to protect the screen).

Despite some criticism for the adult nature of its content, Twitter user Qistina was supportive of it: ‘Practice makes perfect. Teehee. For all you guys (and girls!) out there.’

The app, created by San Francisco’s Club Sexy Time, has three tongue twisting exercises available – Up n’ Down, Circles, and Freestyle.

While the app can get you ready for action, it remains just a training tool... it seems rhpmobile is still your best bet to find the action!



  • Mischeviouslad

    13 Mar 2014

    I guess if youre prepared to lick your phone..... youre not gonna be the type to get the real thing hahaha